Daily Love Forecast 24th December – Joy and Self-Expression Join To Make It A Wonderful Day For…

daily love forecast 24th december

Happy Christmas Eve!

What a wonderful day to send your wishes out to the universe!

On the one hand, we have the number THREE, ruling the day, which is the number of Jupiter – the planet that grants presents and Good Luck. Do you think it is a coincidence that we have the lucky influence today, when we are all hoping for our wishes and desires to come true?

I do not think so!

The Universe is wonderfully supporting us to unleash our mind-power and send out our deepest wishes and desires!

This is also supported by the Sun-Uranus conjunction, which gives us a feeling of freedom, creativity and self-expression!

Watch out for the signs!

Today you have strong intuitive insights into what your next move should be in order to manifest the Love that you are looking for. It may be like a very fast thought, or a realization coming to you – of a practice you need to take on, a place to visit, a vacation to book. Anything that comes as a quick, fast realization today has the potential to push you in the right direction of manifesting your dreams.

Wish the others the same you wish for yourself!

Don’t forget that you always receive the energy that you give out. This is especially powerful today, as the Sun-Uranus conjunction urges us to feel love and equality towards everyone and everything. This strong Aquarius energy invites us to feel at one with everyone and truly feel every single person we meet like our brother and sister. Do try to feel the LOVE today!

Feeling magnetic and vibrant

Today’s energy is also extremely powerful in making you feel super magnetic, vibrant, attractive, and even a little bit extravagant. It is a good day to show off your quirky nature out to the world, and finding this quirkiness within yourself is likely to attract a new love interest or re-ignite the passion with your current partner!

Put a pair of big earrings, put on that colorful, bright dress, smile, talk to people, socialize – it is a day to connect with people, not a time to stay isolated.

All this will help you tune in with today’s vibe and make you a magnet for TRUE LOVE!

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Love and Light!

Avatar for Dawn Rose

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I'm an evolutionary astrologer, focused on love, relationships and compatibility, helping you live your BEST life! Learn how to use the astrological forces at your advantage and manifest your dreams and desires with ease!

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